Mathematics-Absolute Value
The Absolute Value ( or modulus ) of a number is the distance of a number from its origin. In other ways absolute value of a real number ‘a’ is numerical value of ‘a’ without regarding its sign.
The absolute value of 3 is 3
The absolute value of -2 is 2.
The notataion |a| was introduced by Karl Wiererstrass in 1841. Other Names of Absolute value include “Numerical Value” and “Magnitude”. For any real number ‘a’ absolute value or modulus of a number is denoted by |a| and is defined as
| a | = a if a = 0
| a | = -a if a < 0
The absolute value has following four fundamental properties::
Non-negativity | a | = 0
Positive –definiteness | a | = 0 <=> a = 0
Multiplicativeness | ab | = | a | | b |
Subadditivity | a + b | = | a | + | b |
Other Properties of Absolute value::
Self-composition | ( | a | ) | = | a |
Symmetry | – a | = | a |
Identity of indiscernibles ( equivalent to positive definiteness )
| a - b | = 0 <=> a = b
Triangle inequivality (=Subadditivity ) | a - b | = | a - c | + | c - b |
Preservation of division | a / b |= | a | / | b | ( if b not equal to zero )
Equivalent to subadditivity | a - b | = | | a | - | b | |
| x - 6 | >= 12 <=> -12 >= x - 6 >= 12 <=> -6 >= x >= 18
| x - 4 | <= 5 <=> -5 <= x - 4 <= 5 <=> -1 <= x <= 9
The Absolute value of a number is used to define the Absolute difference of real numbers.
For any complex number, Z the absolute value is defined as follows:-
Z = x + iy
X = real part and Y = imaginery part
1. | Z | = v( ( x2 ) + y2 )
2. | z |2 = x2 + y2